Hello Everyone, i hope you are all well and enjoying the sun. Today i have a beauty haul for you but for once there is no makeup involved which is good for me because i normally find it very hard to go into my local drugstore without coming home with a bag full of makeup i really don't need. I'm sure many girls have that problem though!
Buy them here:
Aussie 3 minute miracle reconstructor deep conditioner
Aussie miracle repair shampoo
The next couple of bits i got were from soap and glory, i got the sugar crush body scrub and body buttercream. This is my favourite scent from soap and glory because its smells very fresh and sweet so is perfect for the summertime. I use the scrub a few times a week when i feel like pampering my skin and before i wear any tan which is why i bought it this time because i have very fair skin and i don't tan very well so i like to wear a subtle self tan occasionally throughout summer. I use the buttercream when ever i have a shower to moisturise my skin, this product leaves my skin feeling very smooth and smelling lovely. They aren't that expensive and can be picked from boots or online, i payed £8 for the scrub and £10.50 for the buttercream.
Soap and glory sugar crush body scrub
Soap and glory sugar crush body buttercream
The last product i picked up was the st tropez bronzing mousse, as i said before during summer i like to occasionally wear some self tan but usually i use a gradual tanning moisturiser because i find it more natural but this year i thought i would try out a proper self tan and see what the fuss was about. I did some research and this one seemed very popular and had some good reviews so i decided to try it. Most of the reviews recommended using a mitt to avoid streaks so i picked up the St tropez one aswell and it is very soft so I'm excited to try this out, a review with follow from the product and i will let you know how i feel about it after i've used it a few times.
St Tropez bronzing mousse
St Tropez Applicator Mitt
Thank you for reading
Lots of Love
For more beauty stuff and updates don't forget to follow me on:
Instagram: lydiakashley99
Twitter: lydiakashley99
Email: Lydia.ashley15@yahoo.co.uk
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