I'm sorry for being absent for so long but as you will soon find out I've had a pretty hectic 2015 and its been impossible to blog. Ive really missed blogging but with everything going on I've found it really hard to keep up with posts which i sincerely apologise for. Today I've decided to reflect on 2015 because it was a pretty crazy year and i would love to share some of my memories with you.
My first memory was going to London with the school. At the beginning of last year i got to go to pineapple dance studios for some drama workshops including learning the dance to one of the wicked songs. I have always wanted to visit pineapple dance studios as i am a keen dancer and this was such an amazing experience.
My next memory was my baby brother being born! On the 28th of march 2015 my baby brother Kian decided to make an appearance a month early which i was absolutely thrilled by. After waiting nearly 16 years to have a younger sibling i finally got one and it was probably the happiest moment of my life. He is now nearly 9 months old and he is absolutely gorgeous however he does cry far more than i expected but he does make up for that with his uncontrollable giggles.
Im not sure whether i have mentioned it on this blog before but i would love to become a pilot one day and to do that i wanted to make sure i got my private pilots license(sort of like a driving license) first so 2015 was the year i started that! In April i got my first ever flying lesson where i successfully flew and landed a plane which was the scariest yet most rewarding experience I've ever had. I hope to take a few more this year so i can become close to actually get my license but i know that will take time.
Another thing i have wanted for years and years now has been a dog and 2015 was finally the year i got one yey! Her name is Cassie and she is a Rottweiler, my mum and step dad decided they wanted one after lots of thought and research and as a family we all went to meet the puppy litter and decided she was the perfect one for us. She is such a loving and friendly dog who loves being cuddled and pampered but she also has a very energetic side to her where she can run around and play for hours. Getting a puppy is just like have a baby and requires lots of time and effort so if you are thinking of getting a puppy i recommend you do a lot of research on some breeds and also think hard if its something you can manage.
Probably one of my favourite memories of 2015 was leaving school and my prom! I was never been the biggest fan of school because it was one of the most stressful times of my life but i did have some amazing times there with special people so leaving was a big deal. I got to meet friends for life and as much as i moaned about the teachers and staff at the school they did help me through bad times and also got me where i am now. For those who don't know prom is like a big party for the final year group where everyone get really dressed up in dresses and suits and celebrate the years of school.
My last memory and probably the biggest was moving to Dubai. I had two leaving parties for my friends and family and i was so lucky to have so many people come and support me moving as it was very nerve racking for me. It was a very emotional time where i said goodbye to some of my closest friends and my family but also very exciting to start a new chapter in my life. Starting my new school was probably the scariest part of moving because i had to make all new friends and i didn't know if i would, luckily on my first day i met a really friendly girl who made me feel so comfortable and welcomed to the school and dubai as a whole. She also introduced me to her friends and i now have an amazing group of girls i would call my best friends and i couldn't ask for better. They are so friendly and always make sure I'm ok so really i didn't have anything to worry about. If you want me to do a full blogpost on my experience moving then please let me know in the comments.
As you can see 2015 was a pretty amazing year for me and i really hope 2016 is the same, i have a lot of exciting things planned for this year and i can't wait to share some of them with you. I hope 2016 brings you luck and happiness and I hope you all had a fantastic christmas or winter holidays. I also quickly wanted to mention the fact i just hit 3000 views which is amazing, i only recently hit 2000 and I'm so overwhelmed to think people are actually enjoying my blog so thank you so much to everyone who's reading my posts. If there are any posts you want me to do in the future please let me know.
Thank you for reading
Lots of Love
Don't forget to follow me on:
Instagram: lkabeauty_
Twitter: lydiakashley99
Email: lydia.ashley15@yahoo.co.uk