Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Whats in my 'hand luggage' travel bag

Whats in my 'hand luggage' travel bag
Travel with Lydia 1

I have decided to do a series of travelling blogposts to help people who are going away this summer with packing, skincare, haircare and any other travelling needs. Very soon I'm jetting off to Dubai for 5 weeks and of course I'm travelling by plane which will mean i will be on a fairly long flight of around 7 hours. I'm quite used to travelling now and have a few essentials i think everyone should have whilst on a long flight or journey.

My first thing would be a nice sized bag. Huge bags aren't for everyone but as long as all your essentials fit comfortably the size should be fine so i wouldn't recommend a small shoulder bag unless your not taking much. I Have decided to take my Celine tricolour bag which is quite big but will save space in my suitcase. This bag is perfect because its very open and easy for me to find things in when I'm in such a tight space.

 My next things would be my personal items. Obviously a purse is a must for buying food, drinks and duty free whilst in the airport. I usually take some money from the country I'm from and also some from the country I'm travelling to just in case i need to get something in the other airport. Chewing gum is optional but when I'm sat waiting for my flight or on the plane i like to freshen up with some chewing gum and it makes my feel better. I take a small makeup bag of 'beauty essentials' with things like moisturiser, lip balm and hairbands in to help my skin from clogging up and to give myself a little pamper. My last personal item would be sunglasses, of course im flying to a hot country and i will need when i get out of the airport but England is also extremely hot and sunny at the moment so i will need them on the journey to the airport.

7 hours on a plane can get extremely tedious and there is only a certain amount of films you can watch without getting bored so things to do is needed. At the moment I'm really into drawing and arty stuff so for this trip I'm taking my pencils and a sketch pad with me to do some doodles. I also always make sure to take magazines and wordsearches, i really like wrapping the blanket around me when its getting darker on the plane and reading a magazine. Any crosswords, Sudoku, magazines, books would be great to pass time and soon enough you would be back on the ground again.

The last and most important few items i think are my electronic items. My phone and Ipad let me keep in touch with family and friends whilst in the airport and again help boredom on the plane, i always end up playing a few levels of candy crush! Headphones again i think are important, the plane ones are quite uncomfortable and i like knowing they are my own ones I'm using. Chargers are optional, some planes let you charge your devices on them and the airports do but if you think the battery will last there no need for them. My phone battery is very bad and needs charging every few hours so bringing chargers is a well needed option for me.

These are just a few things i like to take with my on long journeys and hope this helps other people with what they would take. A more in depth blogpost about my 'beauty essentials' will be up soon!

Thank you for reading
lots of love
For more beauty stuff and updates follow me on:
Twitter: lydiakashley99

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